«Fairy house» is a rehabilitation centre for children with oncology diseases that will soon appear in Ukraine. Currently there is no such centre in Ukraine – there is no place for children to pass rehabilitation after outliving terminal illnesses. In many countries of the world centers similar to “Fairy house” successfully work and show great results:
«Camp Good Days» in New York, USA
«Deutschen Kinderkrebsstiftung», Germany
Author psycho- and fairy tale therapy proved by a 9-year experience of work with sick children will be used in «Fairy house” rehabilitation centre. Atmosphere of fear and despair in child’s family and home both discourages recovery and stands in its way. So one of Centre's tasks will be to help parents of sick children in changing their attitude to disease in order to create “disease rejection” atmosphere helping a child to recover.
Rehabilitation centre will be able to simultaneously accommodate up to 50 children with parents from all over Ukraine. Parents whose children faced various oncology diseases will be able to pass rehabilitation in "Fairy house".
Around a thousand children and their parents will have opportunity to pass rehabilitation per year.
Centre will work FREE OF CHARGE as it is done all over the world.