• Master class on the glass painting with stained-glass paints!!!

    24 April 2018
    Many of my little winners liked magic bottles, which are always filled with the healing water in the morning!Our magic water is in the most beautiful vessels!
  • Doing good is simply and easily!!!

    22 April 2018
    We thank the friends, who responded to our search for a washing machine for the toxicology department in the hospital. The washing machine was safely delivered to the destination!!!!!
  • Magic bottle!

    21 April 2018
    Sometimes, during a long treatment children have very bad mood, they want to cry, get sad and do not want to talk.In such cases helps a magic bottle with healing water!
  • Psychological support in the "Fairy-tale world".

    20 April 2018
    Today was a day of psychological support for the family, who lost their son two months ago. Their boy went to the heavenly world.It was our first meeting
  • Healing lamp!

    19 April 2018
    Today were two mothers and two small winners under the magic healing lamp in our game room at the same time!!!We dissolved the ewing sarcoma
  • Guests from Ohmatdyt!

    18 April 2018
    Our fabulous Children's center was visited by children from Ohmatdyt! They were sitting in a magical tree of growth by turns!!! They drank healing tea, ate magical bagels!
  • Magic oven!

    17 April 2018
    Several months ago Katya was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Mather with daughter asked to come visiting our magic Children's center, which is hosted by a real fairy!!!
  • When in the hospital quarantine!

    16 April 2018
    When in the hospital quarantine, you could chat with the help of the Internet! - Hello, fairy! Let's jump with you to another dimension, to where the tests results are normal!!!
  • «Happy Childhood» - «Towards the Dream»!!!

    27 March 2018
    The Children educational institution (ChEI) combined type No.182 «Happy Childhood» of the Zaporozhye city council in Zaporizhzhya region, supported the project of the International charity fund "Strong-willed"
  • The Love saves the World!!! School №106 (Kiev)

    01 March 2018
    Despite the isolation period, the school noted the importance of studying foreign languages by holding a thematic week. The event, which began the week, was a song and dance flashmob
  • Middle and high schoolchildren of Poltava region - Towards the Dream!!!

    25 February 2018
    In the Tarasiv School was held a charitable fair "Towards the Dream" on the initiative of the self-government schoolchildren. Schoolchildren became on this day sellers, buyers, masters - artisans,
  • Kamensky State Energy College – Towards the Dream!!!

    20 February 2018
    The Colleague students are usually active participants of charity events. This time also we responded on appeal of International charity fund “Strong-willed” about realization All-Ukrainian charity action
  • In our Fairy tale appeared the Fairytalemobile!!!

    19 February 2018
    Everything begins from a seed and from a ground, where it will fall. Last summer my magic Svetlana Drobot decided to write the letter about our Fairy center and about our serving there for Maxim Trineev.
  • Children’s pray for peace come off!

    23 March 2015
    Charity event of “Children’s pray for peace” was held at Olimpiysky Stadium. Dozens of children with their parents took part in it. The purpose was to raise
  • Strong-willed. Get well happily!

    23 March 2015
    As long as the pirate schooner did not put off the Okhmatdet bay, the captain sent Henry Morgan with Jack, an assistant, to the Pediatrics Department.
  • Strong-willed. “Magic visit” of pirates to OKHMATDET.

    19 March 2015
    Captain Bon and his right-hand man sailor Jack landed the shore of Okhmatdet yesterday on their pirate schooner. The pirates arrived to tell the children about their adventures and faraway sea travels.
  • Pirates with a magic visit to OKHMATDET

    01 March 2015
    The visit of two true friends-pirates Henry Morgan and Francis Drake to the Toxicology Centre of OKHMADET for Children fell onto the last day of the winter. The meeting turned out to be extremely lively and happy.
  • Simka and Nolik race to rescue

    26 February 2015
    Fixiks are very hard-working people, they always do something. Today their help was necessary at the Centre of Children’s Oncohaematology and Bone-Marrow Transplantation of Okhmatdet, and here they were!
  • The sea adventures in OKHMATDET

    18 February 2015
    The cold wind from the north washed a mysterious frigate ashore of OKHMADET. That was Her Highness Princess Liliana, a granddaughter of captain Flint, a legendary pirate of the northern seas
  • The first step to the Dream!

    17 February 2015
    The miracles happen!!! The first step to Sasha’s Dream is made!!!We have managed to raise funds for Sasha’s medical examination in a fairy hospital of Amigo in Barcelona. That is a great joy for us, Sasha and his family: ‘I am so happy that now, at extremely hard time we have managed to do this!!! Godling, give your blessing to all of us for help till the end!!! Let this guy really find out that You are the Coolest, the Most Fairy and the Most Loving!!! Thanks to Strong-Willed Fund and particularly to Rivil Kofman, Alik and I are going to Barcelona for examination. We are very grateful to Ravil’, writes Sasha’s mother, Natalia.
  • A new standout meeting

    13 February 2015
    A visit of fairy guests to the Children’s Department of Svyatoshino Cancer Centre in Verkhovynna became an unexpected surprise. The children today have met fixiks, and the meeting appeared to be an unusually hearty. Simka and Nolik showed magiс tools to their new friends, they learnt together to tune their bodies to get well, dance under the rainbow and many other interesting things.

    31 January 2015
    This is the motto of unordinary visitors who came yesterday to visit the patients in the Children Hematology Department of Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital.   Usually these little men live in devices and mechanisms created by people: in every country in every home they are fixing, cleaning, oiling and caring about these devices. Fixiks are so tiny that people cannot see them. That is why people do not guess who actually fix their home equipment. The fixiks’ names are Simka and Nolik. And only today, with the help of magic, Simka and Nolik appeared in the Children Hematology Department, because there they have an important task: this time, the little patients need a “repair”.
  • Unexpected Visitor

    08 January 2015
    On December 30, 2014, on the New Year Eve, a real Santa Claus appeared in the Children’s Cancer Care Center. Kids couldn’t trust their eyes…as New Year Season celebrations, congratulations, and gifts have already passed. That day seemed as a routine one – physicians, taking samples…while suddenly an old man arrives. An old man with a white (like snow) beard, dressed in a blue (like sky) fur coat, and with a huge sack of cheerfulness, fun and gifts!
  • Gorokhiv school towards a dream

    22 April 2014
    April 22, 2014, pupils and teaching staff of Corokhiv school of Snegirev district of Mykolayiv region took part in the II Ukrainian charitable campaign “Living out a dream!”
  • Ukrainian charitable campaign “Living out a dream” by Kyiv School №8

    14 April 2014
    On April, 14 in the Kyiv School № 8 of Obolon district under the Ukrainian charitable campaign “Living out a dream”, initiated by our Foundation, held an Exhibition-Fairs, which was attended by pupils of all ages. Students were selling homemade sweets, cakes, toys, books, magazines and many other things. Prices were reasonable, you could purchase what you needed. Special demand was a homemade pastry. Class teachers helped pupils to conduct fair.
  • Sessions of tales therapy

    08 April 2014
    One of the most effective methods of working with children who are experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties is tales therapy. The essence of this method is a creating fabulous special atmosphere that makes children dreams come true, allows the child to come to grips with their fears, complexes and even diseases.
  • Nikolaev Living out a dream

    02 April 2014
    On April 2, in the Nikolaev School № 22 held the II Ukrainian charitable campaign “Living out a dream”. The purpose of the event was to draw public attention to the rehabilitation of children with cancer. Pupils painted angels. They will give it to sick children with best wishes. Thank you all for your kindness and indifferent!
  • Kherson Living out a dream!

    01 April 2014
    On April 1, 2014 in the Kherson School № 31 held the II Ukrainian charitable campaign “Living out a dream”, initiated by the International Charity Foundation “Strong-willed”. Pupils were talked about the children with cancer and patients who needed the assistance; those obstacles that they must overcome on the way to the realization of the dream – recovery. Thanks all for sincere feelings and warmth!
  • A chocolate day of happiness continues!

    01 April 2014
    Today we again with children visited our friends “Lviv chocolate workshop”. On the master-class children told interesting facts about chocolate and its origins.
  • Ivano-Frankovsk Living out a dream

    21 March 2014
    Ivan-Frankovsk secondary school № 22 started cooperation with “Strong-willed” international charity fund. II annual charity campaign called “Living out a dream” initiated by the fund was launched at school. Pupils were told about children with oncology diseases having the only dream – to recover. As part of campaign pupils painted angels and gave them to their dearest ones with best wishes.  
  • A chocolate day of happiness

    20 March 2014
    “Strong-willed” international charity fund together with “Lviv chocolate workshop” conducted “Chocolate world” charity campaign for children. Kids were present at workshops where they saw how a regular chocolate bar can transform into a real state of art. Kids themselves made tasty chocolate candies and enjoyed them. We are grateful to our friends, “Lviv chocolate workshop”, for assistance in conducting this campaign!
  • Rovno Living out a dream

    20 March 2014
    Pupils of secondary school № 1 named after V. Korolenko joined II annual charity campaign called “Living out a dream” initiated by “Strong-willed” international charity fund. Fund representatives and teachers told children about all difficulties kids with oncology diseases have to come through. Pupils painted symbolic angels – messengers of kindness and love – and gave them to those who are in bad need of their support.
  • Kirovograd Living out a dream

    18 March 2014
    Pupils of gymnasium № 9 in Kirovograd joined II annual charity campaign called “Living out a dream”. Fund representatives visited pupils and told them about their activity. Following the campaign children painted symbolic angels with wishes of health and kindness to their dearest ones.
  • Vyshnevskiy centre of children’s and youth creativity Living out a dream

    13 March 2014
    Pupils of Vyshnesvkiy centre of children’s and youth creativity supported project of “Strong-willed” international charity fund and became participants of annual charity campaign called “Living out a dream”. Children gave their creative works for “Angel in your life” exhibition-fair.  
  • Kiev International University Living out a dream

    12 March 2014
    A meeting of students with representatives of “Strong-willed” international charity fund took place at Kiev International University. Fund President Rivil Kofman told about fund activity and asked students to join fight for lives of little ones.
  • Artsiz Living out a dream

    13 February 2014
    Education department of Artsiz district council and Centre of children and youth creativity together with district schools conducted ІІ all Ukrainian charity campaign «Living out a dream». CYC centre and 24 district schools presented more than 60 angels manufactured from various materials for a district exhibition. Best works were given to the fund for “Angel in your life” exhibition. Fund fosters, school pupils and teaching staff organized a charity concert with fund raising for “Fairy house” rehabilitation centre construction.
  • Devoted to International day of fighting cancer

    04 February 2014
    Hello our friends and supporters! We are glad to inform you that till February, 4, - International day of fighting cancer – as part of “Living out a dream” campaign, we have visited Svyatoshyn oncology hospital and oncology-hematology department of “Ohmatdyt” hospital in Kiev. The team of “Strong-willd” ICF headed by Fund Presodent Rivil Kofman (fairy Rivil) presented children with good mood, positive emotions, as well as magic pillows with healing clouds. Children filled with faith in themselves and in their Dream were happy and cheerful; they asked a magic fairy and her friends to visit them again. We are grateful for understanding and cooperation to Matyushok Olga Fedorovna and Donskaya Svetlana Borisovna! 
  • II charity campaign "Living out a dream!"

    27 September 2013
    “Living out a dream!” annual charity campaign will be held in all educational institutions of Ukraine in the period from September, 15, 2013 till March, 31, 2014. “Living out a dream!” charity campaign is initiated by a girl named Sofia, who encountered oncology disease and dreams of a “Fairy house” for all children with the same problem. Let’s support Sofia’s dream! 
  • We are powerful together!

    23 July 2013
    Medical supplies in the amount of 82.500 UAH (net of VAT) necessary for 17 children were purchased for the period May – June 2013. We are thankful to all supporters who answered our request in assisting “Help to sick children” charity project. 
  • Welcome to “Fantasy world” opening!

    04 December 2012
    Welcome to a festival taking place at “Fantasy world” rehabilitation centre for children with oncology diseases. 
  • We will build "Fairy house"!

    25 June 2012
    Participants of “Dancing for you” project within 2 months are dancing for the purpose of fulfilling a dream of project heroes. Rumor has it that actress Katia and Marat had a fling during project.
  • "To heal with the help of a fairy tale", Iuliia LADNOVA, "Gazeta po-kievski"

    09 October 2007
    There is a puppet theater in Kiev where main artists are seriously ill children. A Kiever Rivil Kofman for 9 years in a row treats children with oncology diseases and disseminated sclerosis. Though once doctors predicted life in a wheel-chair for her – a medical record has the following entry: "Cannot manage unassisted". Nevertheless, not only did she recover, but she also created a theatre where young actors play, live and learn how to deal with illness. Unfortunately, there are not funds for a full oncology centre so far...